Testing of the palatability of Thymus vulgaris L. and Origanum vulgare L. as flavouring feed additive for weaner pigs on the basis of a choice experiment..
Berliner und Münchener tierärztliche Wochenschrift. 119(5-6), 238-43. Abstract
Eating and drinking activity of newly weaned piglets: effects of individual characteristics, social mixing, and addition of extra zinc to the feed..
Journal of animal science. 84(3), 702-11. Abstract
Nutrient-conditioned flavor preference and incentive value measured by progressive ratio licking in rats..
Physiology & behavior. 88(1-2), 88-94. Abstract
Evidence of a dietary selection for methionine by the piglet..
Journal of animal science. 84(2), 379-86. Abstract
Effects of essential oils from fennel (Foeniculi aetheroleum) and caraway (Carvi aetheroleum) in pigs..
Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition. 90(11-12), 500-10. Abstract
Natural sweet macromolecules: how sweet proteins work..
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Olfactory influences on appetite and satiety in humans..
Physiology & behavior. 87(4), 800-4. Abstract
The history of sweet taste: not exactly a piece of cake.
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Natural sweet macromolecules: how sweet proteins work.
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Taste perception and coding in the periphery.
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Reinforcer devaluation in palatability-based learned flavor preferences..
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Lack of interference in long-term memory for socially learned food preferences in rats (Rattus norvegicus)..
Journal of comparative psychology (Washington, D.C. : 1983). 119(2), 131-5. Abstract
Flavor preference conditioning as a function of fat source..
Physiology & behavior. 85(4), 448-60. Abstract
Flavor preferences conditioned by intragastric nutrient infusions in food restricted and free-feeding rats..
Physiology & behavior. 84(2), 217-31. Abstract
Elucidation of mammalian bitter taste..
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It's all in the taste.
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Dietary self-selection for organic acids by the piglet..
Archives of animal nutrition. 58(5), 379-88. Abstract
The relationship between food reward and satiation revisited..
Physiology & behavior. 82(1), 89-95. Abstract
Specific dietary selection for tryptophan by the piglet..
Journal of animal science. 82(4), 1115-21. Abstract
Effect of repeated presentation on sweetness intensity of binary and ternary mixtures of sweeteners..
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Preference for novel flavors in adult Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus)..
Journal of comparative psychology (Washington, D.C. : 1983). 117(1), 96-100. Abstract
The role of the amygdala in conditioned flavor preference..
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Influence of olfaction on initial weight gain in two genotypes of chicks..
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Flavours in the diets for piglets from 6 to 18 kg body weight. [Portuguese].
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Sucrose compared with artificial sweeteners: different effects on ad libitum food intake and body weight after 10 wk of supplementation in overweight subjects..
The American journal of clinical nutrition. 76(4), 721-9. Abstract
[Influence of spiced feed additives on taste of hen's eggs]..
Berliner und Münchener tierärztliche Wochenschrift. 115(5-6), 200-2. Abstract
Spontaneous and odour evoked activity in single avian olfactory bulb neurones..
Brain research. 929(1), 48-58. Abstract