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Early events in olfaction: diversity and spatial patterns of odorant receptors..
Receptors & channels. 1(4), 259-66. Abstract
Early flavor learning and its impact on later feeding behavior..
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition. 48 Suppl 1, S25-30. Abstract
Eating and drinking activity of newly weaned piglets: effects of individual characteristics, social mixing, and addition of extra zinc to the feed..
Journal of animal science. 84(3), 702-11. Abstract
Effect of a flavour supplement in the feed on growth and feed conversion in growing and fattening pigs. [Chinese].
Journal of the Taiwan Livestock Research. 8, 1-7. Abstract
The effect of adding a feed flavour to the diets of young pigs before and after weaning.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture & Animal Husbandry. 19, 695-697. Abstract
Effect of application of different flavoring agents in diet for weaning pigs. [Chinese].
Chinese Journal of Animal Science. 37, 34-35. Abstract
Effect of artificial flavourings on the intake of solid feeds by calves and piglets. [Hungarian].
Allattenyesztes. 21, 329-339. Abstract
Effect of dietary protein intakes and flavoring mixture on the performance of early weaned pigs.
Nutrition Reports International. 19, 427-435. Abstract
Effect of drinker type on water intake and waste in newly weaned piglets..
Journal of animal science. 86(6), 1439-45. Abstract
The effect of flavor concentration and toxin dose on the formation and generalization of flavor aversions in lambs..
Journal of animal science. 72(1), 10-3. Abstract
Effect of inclusion of tossign (Thymus serrulatus) in concentrate mix supplementation on performance and sensory quality of meat of Menz sheep..
Tropical animal health and production. Abstract
Effect of milk chocolate product on week-1 feed intake and growth performance of weanling pigs..
Journal of animal science. 88(8), 2779-88. Abstract
The effect of palatability and aromatic supplements to pig feed on meat quality. [Russian].
Svinovodstvo. 4, 20-22. Abstract
Effect of previous locoweed (Astragalus and Oxytropis species) intoxication on conditioned taste aversions in horses and sheep..
Journal of animal science. 85(7), 1836-41. Abstract
Effect of repeated presentation on sweetness intensity of binary and ternary mixtures of sweeteners..
Chemical senses. 28(3), 219-29. Abstract
Effect of seven hours intermittent suckling and flavour recognition on piglet performance..
Archives of animal nutrition. 62(1), 1-9. Abstract
The effect of taste on gastric and pancreatic responses in dogs..
Physiology & behavior. 47(6), 1295-7. Abstract
Effect of temperature, pH, and ions on sweet taste..
Physiology & behavior. 68(4), 469-81. Abstract
Effect of the aromatic feed preparation TAR E/2134 on weight gains in fattening pigs. [Slovakian].
Vedecke Prace Vyskumneho Ustavu Zivocisnej Vyroby v Nitre. 12, 63-68. Abstract
Effect of the use of concentrates and aromas on free intake of lactating sows during summer. [Spanish].
ITEA Produccion Animal. 1999. 20: 2, 454-456. 3 ref.. Abstract
Effect of water sweetener on the performance of newly weaned pigs offered medicated and unmedicated feed.
Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 73, 669-672. Abstract
Effect of wheat distillers' grains with solubles and a feed flavour on performance and carcass traits of growing-finishing pigs fed wheat and canola meal based diets..
Archives of animal nutrition. 66(2), 117-30. Abstract
Effectiveness of flavouring feeds for piglets with the liquid preparation Pig Nectar. [Polish].
Acta Agraria et Silvestria, Zootechnica. 22, 73-81. Abstract
Effects of a new sweetener, Stevia, on performance of newly weaned pigs.
Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 80, 529-531. Abstract
Effects of an artificial sweetener on health, performance, and dietary preference of feedlot cattle..
Journal of animal science. 84(9), 2491-500. Abstract
Effects of dietary restraint on flavour-flavour learning..
Appetite. 37(3), 197-206. Abstract
Effects of early odor exposure in domestic chicks..
Reproduction, nutrition, development. 38(4), 441-8. Abstract