Effect of flavor additives on utilization of canola meal by young pigs

TitleEffect of flavor additives on utilization of canola meal by young pigs
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1986
AuthorsBaidoo, S. K., & Aherne F. X.
Keywordsadditives, feeding, Flavour compounds, palatability, Piglets, pigs, rapeseed meal, rapeseed oilmeal, soyabean oilmeal, substitutes

Studies involving the replacement value of canola rapeseed meal (CM) for soyabean meal in starter diets for pigs have shown, with few exceptions, that as the amount of CM in the diet is increased there is a concurrent decrease in feed intake and rate of gain. The reduced palatability of CM may be due to the presence in the meal of tannins, phytic acid, sinapine, glucosinolates and their breakdown products and fibre. The purpose of the present study was to determine the effects of the addition of feed flavours (Hy Sugr ADE(R) and Pig Krave(R)) to CM-supplemented diets on the performance of young Yorkshire x Landrace pigs. It is concluded that the pigs preferred CM diets containing feed flavours to those not supplemented with feed flavours; the increase in intake of the flavoured CM diets declined as the concentration of dietary CM increased