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Zukerman, S., Ackroff K., & Sclafani A. (2011).  Rapid post-oral stimulation of intake and flavor conditioning by glucose and fat in the mouse.. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology. 301(6), R1635-47. Abstract
Montmayeur, J. P., & Matsunami H. (2002).  Receptors for bitter and sweet taste.. Current opinion in neurobiology. 12(4), 366-71. Abstract
Dwyer, D. M. (2005).  Reinforcer devaluation in palatability-based learned flavor preferences.. Journal of experimental psychology. Animal behavior processes. 31(4), 487-92. Abstract
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Burne, T. H., & Rogers L. J. (1996).  Responses to odorants by the domestic chick.. Physiology & behavior. 60(6), 1441-7. Abstract
Goatcher, W. D., & Church D. C. (1970).  Review of some nutritional aspects of the sense of taste.. Journal of animal science. 31(5), 973-81. Abstract
Sclafani, A., & Ackroff K. (2012).  Role of gut nutrient sensing in stimulating appetite and conditioning food preferences.. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology. 302(10), R1119-33. Abstract
Isar, M., & Isar O. (1983).  Role of palatability factors and protein feeds for pigs 31 to 91 days old in increasing intake and growth performance. [Romanian]. Lucrarile Stiintifice ale Institutului de Biologie si Nutritie Animala. 12, 45-57. Abstract
Gilbert, P. E., Campbell A., & Kesner R. P. (2003).  The role of the amygdala in conditioned flavor preference.. Neurobiology of learning and memory. 79(1), 118-21. Abstract