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Kaul, W. (2005).  It's all in the taste. Feed Mix. 13, 25-28. Abstract
King, R. H. (1979).  The effect of adding a feed flavour to the diets of young pigs before and after weaning. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture & Animal Husbandry. 19, 695-697. Abstract
Kinnamon, S. C. (2011).  Taste receptor signalling - from tongues to lungs.. Acta physiologica (Oxford, England). Abstract
Kurihara, K. (2009).  Glutamate: from discovery as a food flavor to role as a basic taste (umami).. The American journal of clinical nutrition. 90(3), 719S-722S. Abstract
Kurihara, K., & Kashiwayanagi M. (2000).  Physiological studies on umami taste.. The Journal of nutrition. 130(4S Suppl), 931S-4S. Abstract
Kurihara, K., & Kashiwayanagi M. (1998).  Introductory remarks on umami taste.. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 855, 393-7. Abstract