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Quantitative studies on taste preference in pigs.
Proc Nutr Soc. 35, 69-73.
Influence of the sense of taste on broiler chick feed consumption..
Poultry science. 68(11), 1519-26. Abstract
Effect of the use of concentrates and aromas on free intake of lactating sows during summer. [Spanish].
ITEA Produccion Animal. 1999. 20: 2, 454-456. 3 ref.. Abstract
Flavor perception in human infants: development and functional significance..
Digestion. 83 Suppl 1, 1-6. Abstract
Early flavor learning and its impact on later feeding behavior..
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition. 48 Suppl 1, S25-30. Abstract
Preference of weanling pigs for dietary supplemental methionine sources.
Annual Research Report Prairie Swine Centre. 32-36. Abstract
Improved water solubility of neohesperidin dihydrochalcone in sweetener blends..
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 49(1), 189-91. Abstract
Learned and cognitive controls of food intake..
Brain research. 1350, 71-6. Abstract
Improving adaptation to weaning: effect of intermittent suckling regimens on piglet feed intake, growth, and gut characteristics..
Journal of animal science. 87(10), 3156-66. Abstract
Sucrose taste but not Polycose taste conditions flavor preferences in rats..
Physiology & behavior. 95(1-2), 235-44. Abstract
Remarks and observations on the use of flavoured diets in the early weaning of piglets. [Italian].
Annali della Facolta di Medicina Veterinaria, Universita di Parma. 17 ref. Abstract
Studies and observations on the use of flavoured diets in the early weaning of piglets. [Italian].
Rivista di Suinicoltura. 33, 69-75. Abstract
Effects of dietary restraint on flavour-flavour learning..
Appetite. 37(3), 197-206. Abstract
Flavour-flavour learning occurs automatically and only in hungry participants..
Physiology & behavior. 93(1-2), 13-9. Abstract
Saccharin and other artificial sweeteners in soils: estimated inputs from agriculture and households, degradation, and leaching to groundwater..
Environmental science & technology. 45(2), 615-21. Abstract
Responses to odorants by the domestic chick..
Physiology & behavior. 60(6), 1441-7. Abstract