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The pharmacology and signaling of bitter, sweet, and umami taste sensing..
Molecular interventions. 7(2), 87-98. Abstract
Solution properties and sweetness response of selected bulk and intense sweeteners..
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 47(4), 1378-84. Abstract
Binding proteins for sweet compounds from gustatory papillae of the cow, pig and rat.
Biochim Biophys Acta. 967, 65-75. Abstract
Conditioning taste aversions to locoweed (Oxytropis sericea) in horses..
Journal of animal science. 80(1), 79-83. Abstract
Effect of previous locoweed (Astragalus and Oxytropis species) intoxication on conditioned taste aversions in horses and sheep..
Journal of animal science. 85(7), 1836-41. Abstract
Optimizing the sensory characteristics and acceptance of canned cat food: use of a human taste panel..
Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition. 93(1), 52-60. Abstract
Effects of some aromatic compounds on piglets' performance. [Italian].
Rivista di Suinicoltura. 29, 101-106. Abstract
Pelleting of diet ingredients: effect of feed presentation on performance, diet selection and feed intake behaviour in piglets.
Journal of Animal Physiology & Animal Nutrition. 77, 153-160. Abstract
A simple method for testing odor detection and discrimination in chicks..
Physiology & behavior. 67(3), 459-62. Abstract
Effects of early odor exposure in domestic chicks..
Reproduction, nutrition, development. 38(4), 441-8. Abstract
Sweetener blending: how sweet it is!.
Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 94(5), 498-500.
The effect of taste on gastric and pancreatic responses in dogs..
Physiology & behavior. 47(6), 1295-7. Abstract
Preference of sheep for foods varying in flavors and nutrients..
Journal of animal science. 74(10), 2355-61. Abstract
Acquired aversions as the basis for varied diets of ruminants foraging on rangelands..
Journal of animal science. 74(8), 2010-20. Abstract