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It's all in the taste.
Feed Mix. 13, 25-28. Abstract
Taste preferences in pigs for nutritive and non-nutritive sweet solutions.
Anim Behav. 20, 706-18.
The effect of adding a feed flavour to the diets of young pigs before and after weaning.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture & Animal Husbandry. 19, 695-697. Abstract
Taste receptor signalling - from tongues to lungs..
Acta physiologica (Oxford, England). Abstract
Evaluation of rearing systems and feed flavours for pigs weaned at two to three weeks of age.
Journal of Animal Science. 48, 999-1006. Abstract
The effect of palatability and aromatic supplements to pig feed on meat quality. [Russian].
Svinovodstvo. 4, 20-22. Abstract
Glutamate: from discovery as a food flavor to role as a basic taste (umami)..
The American journal of clinical nutrition. 90(3), 719S-722S. Abstract
Physiological studies on umami taste..
The Journal of nutrition. 130(4S Suppl), 931S-4S. Abstract
Introductory remarks on umami taste..
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 855, 393-7. Abstract
Conditioned flavour aversions in sheep: the relationship between the dose rate of a secondary plant compound and the acquisition and persistence of aversions..
The British journal of nutrition. 79(1), 55-62. Abstract