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Oral, post-oral and genetic interactions in sweet appetite..
Physiology & behavior. 89(4), 525-30. Abstract
Optimizing the sensory characteristics and acceptance of canned cat food: use of a human taste panel..
Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition. 93(1), 52-60. Abstract
Olfactory lateralization in the chick..
Neuropsychologia. 32(4), 417-23. Abstract
Olfactory influences on appetite and satiety in humans..
Physiology & behavior. 87(4), 800-4. Abstract
Olfactory cues mediate food selection by young chicks..
Physiology & behavior. 55(4), 761-7. Abstract
Olfaction in the domestic fowl: a critical review..
Physiology & behavior. 62(5), 1009-18. Abstract
Olfaction in chickens: sense and sensibility..
Poultry science. 76(9), 1324.
Olfaction and behavioral modification in domestic chicks (Gallus domesticus)..
Physiology & behavior. 34(6), 917-24. Abstract
Obesity by choice revisited: effects of food availability, flavor variety and nutrient composition on energy intake..
Physiology & behavior. 92(3), 468-78. Abstract