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It's all in the taste.
Feed Mix. 13, 25-28. Abstract
Investigation of synergism in binary mixtures of sweeteners..
Brain research bulletin. 38(2), 105-20. Abstract
Introductory remarks on umami taste..
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 855, 393-7. Abstract
Intragastric infusion of denatonium conditions flavor aversions and delays gastric emptying in rodents..
Physiology & behavior. 93(4-5), 757-65. Abstract
Innate and learned preferences for sweet taste during childhood..
Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care. 14(4), 379-84. Abstract
Influence of the sense of taste on broiler chick feed consumption..
Poultry science. 68(11), 1519-26. Abstract
Influence of the mother in the development of flavored-food preference in lambs..
Developmental psychobiology. 49(1), 98-106. Abstract
Influence of olfaction on initial weight gain in two genotypes of chicks..
British poultry science. 44(5), 779-81.
Influence of feed flavors and nursery diet complexity on preweaning and nursery pig performance..
Journal of animal science. 88(12), 3918-26. Abstract
Influence of feed flavors and nursery diet complexity on preweaning and nursery pig performance.
Journal of Animal Science. 88, 3918-3926. Abstract
Influence of aromatic components from pig manure on odour and flavour of cooked chicken meat.
Meat Science. 52, 325-330. Abstract
The influence of a food flavour on the appetite and growth of pigs to seven weeks of age.
Pig Industry Seminar : North Coast Agricultural Institute, Wollongbar, 16 March 1988.. 38-41.
Increasing performance in the early weaned pig.
Nutrition Reports International. 21, 519-524. Abstract
Increasing children's liking of vegetables through flavour-flavour learning..
Appetite. 48(2), 259-62. Abstract
Improving the palatability of mixed feeds for piglets by technological treatment and addition of flavouring substances. [Romanian].
Lucrarile Stiintifice ale Institutului de Cercetari pentru Nutritie Animala. 9/10, 99-108. Abstract
Improving adaptation to weaning: effect of intermittent suckling regimens on piglet feed intake, growth, and gut characteristics..
Journal of animal science. 87(10), 3156-66. Abstract
Improved water solubility of neohesperidin dihydrochalcone in sweetener blends..
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 49(1), 189-91. Abstract
The importance of taste and palatability in carbohydrate-induced overeating in rats..
The American journal of physiology. 270(6 Pt 2), R1197-202. Abstract