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Sclafani, A., Lucas F., & Ackroff K. (1996).  The importance of taste and palatability in carbohydrate-induced overeating in rats.. The American journal of physiology. 270(6 Pt 2), R1197-202. Abstract
Isar, M., & Isar O. (1981).  Improving the palatability of mixed feeds for piglets by technological treatment and addition of flavouring substances. [Romanian]. Lucrarile Stiintifice ale Institutului de Cercetari pentru Nutritie Animala. 9/10, 99-108. Abstract
Robel, E. J. (1980).  Increasing performance in the early weaned pig. Nutrition Reports International. 21, 519-524. Abstract
Giles, R. (1988).  The influence of a food flavour on the appetite and growth of pigs to seven weeks of age. Pig Industry Seminar : North Coast Agricultural Institute, Wollongbar, 16 March 1988.. 38-41.
Ventura, A. K., & Mennella J. A. (2011).  Innate and learned preferences for sweet taste during childhood.. Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care. 14(4), 379-84. Abstract
Kurihara, K., & Kashiwayanagi M. (1998).  Introductory remarks on umami taste.. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 855, 393-7. Abstract
Kaul, W. (2005).  It's all in the taste. Feed Mix. 13, 25-28. Abstract