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Experiments with flavored feeds in rations for piglets and growers.
Fortschr Tierphysiol Tierernahr. 104-9.
Experience with a flavor in mother's milk modifies the infant's acceptance of flavored cereal..
Developmental psychobiology. 35(3), 197-203. Abstract
Evidence of a dietary selection for methionine by the piglet..
Journal of animal science. 84(2), 379-86. Abstract
Evaluation of rearing systems and feed flavours for pigs weaned at two to three weeks of age.
Journal of Animal Science. 48, 999-1006. Abstract
Evaluation of a feed flavour in lactation and starter diets to stimulate feed intake of weaned pigs.
Nutrition Reports International. 20, 455-460. Abstract
The establishment and persistence of food preferences in lambs exposed to selected foods..
Journal of animal science. 68(4), 998-1002. Abstract
Energy density and macronutrient composition determine flavor preference conditioned by intragastric infusions of mixed diets..
Physiology & behavior. 89(2), 250-60. Abstract
Elucidation of mammalian bitter taste..
Reviews of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology. 154, 37-72. Abstract
Effects of thaumatin-based sweetener on feed intake of lactating sows and weaner pigs.
Jurnal Veterinar Malaysia. 3, 37-44. Abstract
Effects of sweeteners on individual feed intake characteristics and performance in group-housed weanling pigs..
Journal of animal science. 86(11), 2990-7. Abstract
Effects of some aromatic compounds on piglets' performance. [Italian].
Rivista di Suinicoltura. 29, 101-106. Abstract
The effects of flavour additives on the consumption of canola meal by starter pigs.
Agriculture & forestry bulletin - Alberta University. Faculty of Extension.. 127-128.
Effects of essential oils from fennel (Foeniculi aetheroleum) and caraway (Carvi aetheroleum) in pigs..
Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition. 90(11-12), 500-10. Abstract
Effects of environmental enrichment and loose housing of lactating sows on piglet performance before and after weaning..
Journal of animal science. 88(11), 3554-62. Abstract
Effects of early odor exposure in domestic chicks..
Reproduction, nutrition, development. 38(4), 441-8. Abstract
Effects of dietary restraint on flavour-flavour learning..
Appetite. 37(3), 197-206. Abstract
Effects of an artificial sweetener on health, performance, and dietary preference of feedlot cattle..
Journal of animal science. 84(9), 2491-500. Abstract
Effects of a new sweetener, Stevia, on performance of newly weaned pigs.
Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 80, 529-531. Abstract
Effectiveness of flavouring feeds for piglets with the liquid preparation Pig Nectar. [Polish].
Acta Agraria et Silvestria, Zootechnica. 22, 73-81. Abstract
Effect of wheat distillers' grains with solubles and a feed flavour on performance and carcass traits of growing-finishing pigs fed wheat and canola meal based diets..
Archives of animal nutrition. 66(2), 117-30. Abstract
Effect of water sweetener on the performance of newly weaned pigs offered medicated and unmedicated feed.
Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 73, 669-672. Abstract
Effect of the use of concentrates and aromas on free intake of lactating sows during summer. [Spanish].
ITEA Produccion Animal. 1999. 20: 2, 454-456. 3 ref.. Abstract
Effect of the aromatic feed preparation TAR E/2134 on weight gains in fattening pigs. [Slovakian].
Vedecke Prace Vyskumneho Ustavu Zivocisnej Vyroby v Nitre. 12, 63-68. Abstract
Effect of temperature, pH, and ions on sweet taste..
Physiology & behavior. 68(4), 469-81. Abstract
The effect of taste on gastric and pancreatic responses in dogs..
Physiology & behavior. 47(6), 1295-7. Abstract
Effect of seven hours intermittent suckling and flavour recognition on piglet performance..
Archives of animal nutrition. 62(1), 1-9. Abstract
Effect of repeated presentation on sweetness intensity of binary and ternary mixtures of sweeteners..
Chemical senses. 28(3), 219-29. Abstract
Effect of previous locoweed (Astragalus and Oxytropis species) intoxication on conditioned taste aversions in horses and sheep..
Journal of animal science. 85(7), 1836-41. Abstract