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Meyerhof, W. (2005).  Elucidation of mammalian bitter taste.. Reviews of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology. 154, 37-72. Abstract
McIntosh, M. K., Baidoo S., & Aherne F. X. (1983).  The effects of flavour additives on the consumption of canola meal by starter pigs. Agriculture & forestry bulletin - Alberta University. Faculty of Extension.. 127-128.
Porter, R. H., & Picard M. (1998).  Effects of early odor exposure in domestic chicks.. Reproduction, nutrition, development. 38(4), 441-8. Abstract
Zilla, T., & Majerciak P. (1974).  Effect of the aromatic feed preparation TAR E/2134 on weight gains in fattening pigs. [Slovakian]. Vedecke Prace Vyskumneho Ustavu Zivocisnej Vyroby v Nitre. 12, 63-68. Abstract