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Assessing sensory capacity of animals using operant technology.
Journal of Animal Science. 74, 1996-2009. Abstract
The aromatic substances Firanor 24(S) and its effect on the growth of piglets and consumption of feed up to 60 days old. [Czech].
Sbornik Vysoke Skoly Zemedelske v Praze, Fakulta Agronomicka, B. 30, 191-201. Abstract
Adverse influence of social facilitation and learning context in training cattle to avoid eating larkspur..
Journal of animal science. 68(7), 1944-52. Abstract
Additive effects of flavour-caffeine and flavour-flavour pairings on liking for the smell and flavour of a novel drink..
Physiology & behavior. 92(5), 831-9. Abstract
Adaptation of sweeteners in water and in tannic acid solutions..
Physiology & behavior. 55(3), 547-59. Abstract
Acquired aversions as the basis for varied diets of ruminants foraging on rangelands..
Journal of animal science. 74(8), 2010-20. Abstract