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Flavours in the diets for piglets from 6 to 18 kg body weight. [Portuguese].
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia. 32, Sup 1, 1633-1638. Abstract
The use of flavours in feed improves performance of piglets weaned at 21 days of age.
Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes. 54, 213-215. Abstract
Effects of a new sweetener, Stevia, on performance of newly weaned pigs.
Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 80, 529-531. Abstract
Effect of the use of concentrates and aromas on free intake of lactating sows during summer. [Spanish].
ITEA Produccion Animal. 1999. 20: 2, 454-456. 3 ref.. Abstract
Effect of water sweetener on the performance of newly weaned pigs offered medicated and unmedicated feed.
Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 73, 669-672. Abstract
When flavours are useful. [Italian].
Rivista de Suinicoltura. 34, 45-48. Abstract
Effects of thaumatin-based sweetener on feed intake of lactating sows and weaner pigs.
Jurnal Veterinar Malaysia. 3, 37-44. Abstract
The influence of a food flavour on the appetite and growth of pigs to seven weeks of age.
Pig Industry Seminar : North Coast Agricultural Institute, Wollongbar, 16 March 1988.. 38-41.
Effectiveness of flavouring feeds for piglets with the liquid preparation Pig Nectar. [Polish].
Acta Agraria et Silvestria, Zootechnica. 22, 73-81. Abstract
Role of palatability factors and protein feeds for pigs 31 to 91 days old in increasing intake and growth performance. [Romanian].
Lucrarile Stiintifice ale Institutului de Biologie si Nutritie Animala. 12, 45-57. Abstract
The aromatic substances Firanor 24(S) and its effect on the growth of piglets and consumption of feed up to 60 days old. [Czech].
Sbornik Vysoke Skoly Zemedelske v Praze, Fakulta Agronomicka, B. 30, 191-201. Abstract
Increasing performance in the early weaned pig.
Nutrition Reports International. 21, 519-524. Abstract
Effect of artificial flavourings on the intake of solid feeds by calves and piglets. [Hungarian].
Allattenyesztes. 21, 329-339. Abstract