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Effect of wheat distillers' grains with solubles and a feed flavour on performance and carcass traits of growing-finishing pigs fed wheat and canola meal based diets..
Archives of animal nutrition. 66(2), 117-30. Abstract
The role of taste in food acceptance at the beginning of complementary feeding..
Physiology & behavior. 104(4), 646-52. Abstract
The timing and duration of a sensitive period in human flavor learning: a randomized trial..
The American journal of clinical nutrition. 93(5), 1019-24. Abstract
Rats' preferences for high fructose corn syrup vs. sucrose and sugar mixtures..
Physiology & behavior. 102(5), 548-52. Abstract
Maternal presence and environmental enrichment affect food neophobia of piglets..
Biology letters. 7(1), 19-22. Abstract
Flavor perception in human infants: development and functional significance..
Digestion. 83 Suppl 1, 1-6. Abstract
Effects of environmental enrichment and loose housing of lactating sows on piglet performance before and after weaning..
Journal of animal science. 88(11), 3554-62. Abstract
Stevia and saccharin preferences in rats and mice..
Chemical senses. 35(5), 433-43. Abstract
Breastfeeding facilitates acceptance of a novel dietary flavour compound..
Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland). 29(1), 141-8. Abstract
Breastfeeding facilitates acceptance of a novel dietary flavour compound..
Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland). 29(1), 141-8. Abstract
Influence of feed flavors and nursery diet complexity on preweaning and nursery pig performance..
Journal of animal science. 88(12), 3918-26. Abstract
Effect of milk chocolate product on week-1 feed intake and growth performance of weanling pigs..
Journal of animal science. 88(8), 2779-88. Abstract
Prenatal flavor exposure affects growth, health and behavior of newly weaned piglets..
Physiology & behavior. 99(5), 579-86. Abstract
Prenatal flavor exposure affects growth, health and behavior of newly weaned piglets..
Physiology & behavior. 99(5), 579-86. Abstract
The production of pork with garlic flavour notes using garlic essential oil..
Meat science. 84(4), 699-705. Abstract
Improving adaptation to weaning: effect of intermittent suckling regimens on piglet feed intake, growth, and gut characteristics..
Journal of animal science. 87(10), 3156-66. Abstract
Prenatal flavor exposure affects flavor recognition and stress-related behavior of piglets..
Chemical senses. 34(9), 775-87. Abstract
Early flavor learning and its impact on later feeding behavior..
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition. 48 Suppl 1, S25-30. Abstract
Rapid acquisition of conditioned flavor preferences in rats..
Physiology & behavior. 97(3-4), 406-13. Abstract
Preferences of minipigs for environmental enrichment objects..
Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science : JAALAS. 48(4), 391-4. Abstract
Flavour programming during breast-feeding..
Advances in experimental medicine and biology. 639, 113-20. Abstract
Prenatal programming of postnatal development in the pig..
Society of Reproduction and Fertility supplement. 66, 213-31. Abstract
Differential transfer of dietary flavour compounds into human breast milk..
Physiology & behavior. 95(1-2), 118-24. Abstract
Sucrose taste but not Polycose taste conditions flavor preferences in rats..
Physiology & behavior. 95(1-2), 235-44. Abstract
Effects of sweeteners on individual feed intake characteristics and performance in group-housed weanling pigs..
Journal of animal science. 86(11), 2990-7. Abstract
Differential hedonic, sensory and behavioral changes associated with flavor-nutrient and flavor-flavor learning..
Physiology & behavior. 93(4-5), 798-806. Abstract
Effect of drinker type on water intake and waste in newly weaned piglets..
Journal of animal science. 86(6), 1439-45. Abstract