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Conditioned flavor preferences: evaluating postingestive reinforcement by nutrients..
Current protocols in neuroscience / editorial board, Jacqueline N. Crawley ... [et al.]. Chapter 8, Unit 8.6F. Abstract
Flavor preferences conditioned by intragastric fructose and glucose: differences in reinforcement potency..
Physiology & behavior. 72(5), 691-703. Abstract
Palatability and foraging cost interact to control caloric intake..
Journal of experimental psychology. Animal behavior processes. 25(1), 28-36. Abstract
Diabetic rats prefer glucose-paired flavors over fructose-paired flavors..
Appetite. 28(1), 73-83. Abstract
The importance of taste and palatability in carbohydrate-induced overeating in rats..
The American journal of physiology. 270(6 Pt 2), R1197-202. Abstract
Glucose- and fructose-conditioned flavor preferences in rats: taste versus postingestive conditioning..
Physiology & behavior. 56(2), 399-405. Abstract
Flavor preference produced by intragastric polycose infusions in rats using a concurrent conditioning procedure..
Physiology & behavior. 54(2), 351-5. Abstract
Flavor preferences conditioned by sugars: rats learn to prefer glucose over fructose..
Physiology & behavior. 50(4), 815-24. Abstract
Macronutrient selection by foraging rats..
Physiology & behavior. 38(1), 71-80. Abstract