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Influence of olfaction on initial weight gain in two genotypes of chicks..
British poultry science. 44(5), 779-81.
Natural sweet macromolecules: how sweet proteins work.
Cell Mol Life Sci. 63, 1876-88. Abstract
The history of sweet taste: not exactly a piece of cake.
J Mol Recognit. 19, 188-99. Abstract
The sweet taste receptor: a single receptor with multiple sites and modes of interaction..
Advances in food and nutrition research. 53, 199-239. Abstract
Natural sweet macromolecules: how sweet proteins work..
Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS. 63(16), 1876-88. Abstract
Effect of wheat distillers' grains with solubles and a feed flavour on performance and carcass traits of growing-finishing pigs fed wheat and canola meal based diets..
Archives of animal nutrition. 66(2), 117-30. Abstract
The use of flavours in feed improves performance of piglets weaned at 21 days of age.
Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes. 54, 213-215. Abstract
Effect of drinker type on water intake and waste in newly weaned piglets..
Journal of animal science. 86(6), 1439-45. Abstract
Neuropharmacology of learned flavor preferences..
Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. 97(1), 55-62. Abstract
Olfactory cues mediate food selection by young chicks..
Physiology & behavior. 55(4), 761-7. Abstract