Evaluation of a feed flavour in lactation and starter diets to stimulate feed intake of weaned pigs

TitleEvaluation of a feed flavour in lactation and starter diets to stimulate feed intake of weaned pigs
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1979
AuthorsOgunbameru, B. O., Kornegay E. T., Bryant K. L., Hinkelmann K. H., & Knight J. W.
JournalNutrition Reports International
Keywordsfeed intake flavour additives

During lactation sows were given a diet without or with a feed flavour (Firanor 52.824T). Their offspring, in groups of 180, were all given a starting diet with the flavour added when 22 to 26 days old. There was no difference in daily gain, feed intake or feed:gain ratio between the 2 groups. Results were similar when groups of 96 pigs from sows given flavoured or unflavoured diets were given flavoured or unflavoured starting diets