Mere exposure and flavour-flavour learning increase 2 to 3 year-old children's acceptance of a novel vegetable.

TitleMere exposure and flavour-flavour learning increase 2 to 3 year-old children's acceptance of a novel vegetable.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsHausner, H., Olsen A., & Møller P.
Date Published2012 Mar 15

Vegetable consumption is low among many children. This study compared the efficacy of the exposure learning strategies mere exposure, flavour-flavour and flavour-nutrient learning in changing children's intake of a novel vegetable. An unmodified artichoke purée was served at pre-testing. Hereafter children were exposed 10 times to unmodified purée (mere exposure, n=32), a sweetened purée (flavour-flavour learning, n=33) or an energy dense purée with added fat (flavour-nutrient learning, n= 39). Unmodified and sweet purée contained approximately 200kJ/100g; the energy dense purée 580kJ/100g. The unmodified purée was served again at post-testing, 3 and 6 months after last exposure to monitor long-term effects of learning. Intake of purée increased in the mere exposure and flavour-flavour condition, and was unchanged in the flavour-nutrient condition. Mere exposure changed children's intake by the fifth exposure, flavour-flavour learning by the 10(th). Mere exposure led to the largest increase in intake of unmodified purée at post-test and over 6 months. Children following flavour-flavour learning consumed more of the sweet purée than of unmodified purée. About 30-40% of the children were resistant to acceptance changes. The results of this study imply that mere exposure and flavour-flavour learning are powerful strategies for changing children's acceptance of a novel vegetable, even though a substantial number of children are resistant to these types of exposure learning.