Gustatory responses of pigs to sixty compounds tasting sweet to humans.

TitleGustatory responses of pigs to sixty compounds tasting sweet to humans.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsNofre, C., Glaser D., Tinti J. - M., & Wanner M.
JournalJournal of animal physiology and animal nutrition
Date Published2002 Apr
KeywordsAnimals, Dose-Response Relationship, Drug, Feeding Behavior, Female, Food Preferences, Humans, Male, Sweetening Agents, Swine, Taste, 甜味剂

The gustatory responses of pigs to 60 compounds perceived as sweet by humans were studied via a semi-quantitative behavioural method derived from the Richter two-bottle preference test. Among the 60 compounds tested 35 are effective in pigs, but with an effectiveness much lower in pigs than in humans. Lugduname and carrelame, which are the two most potent sweeteners in humans, are also the most effective compounds in pigs.

Alternate JournalJ Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl)