The relationship between food reward and satiation revisited.

TitleThe relationship between food reward and satiation revisited.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsSclafani, A., & Ackroff K.
JournalPhysiology & behavior
Date Published2004 Aug
KeywordsAnimals, Conditioning, Operant, Eating, Feeding Behavior, Food Preferences, Humans, Reward, Satiation, Stomach, 味觉生理, 嗅觉生理

The postingestive satiating action of food is often viewed as producing a positive affective state that rewards eating. However, in an early test of this idea, Van Vort and Smith [Physiol. Behav. 30 (1983) 279] reported that rats did not learn to prefer a food that was "real-fed" and satiating over a food that was "sham-fed" and not satiating. Subsequent investigators obtained similar findings with concentrated nutrient sources. With dilute nutrient sources, however, rats learned to prefer the real-fed to the sham-fed food. These and other findings demonstrate that nutrients have rewarding postingestive effects that enhance food preferences via a conditioning process. These reward effects appear separate from the satiating actions of nutrients, which may actually reduce food reward. Food intake and preference are controlled by a complex interaction of positive and negative signals generated by nutrients in the mouth and at postingestive sites.

Alternate JournalPhysiol. Behav.